Oktoberfest 2019: The History

Oktoberfest is, by nature, a historical event. It involves a complex web of traditional accouterments, from garbs to grub to beer. As something of an amateur (emphasis on amateur) historian, I have something of a duty to go over the history of Oktoberfest, how it came to be, and dispel some of the common misconceptions … Continue reading Oktoberfest 2019: The History

Oktoberfest 2019: Special Brew

To get into the Oktoberfest spirit, we need to look at a Munich brewery. The center of the celebration, deep in the core of Bavaria. In fact, in the right and proper Oktoberfest, only Munich-based breweries (of which there are six) can have their beers served there. Naturally, when celebrated elsewhere, breweries give their best … Continue reading Oktoberfest 2019: Special Brew

Oktoberfest 2019: Aventinus

It's that time of year again. Time for me to drink and discuss as many German beers as possible before the stores replace them with pumpkin-spiced shit. Time to taste the hallertau and wheat-malt, the coriander and banana. Time for me to enjoy some classic beer of Bavaria. Today's review is a straightforward one; I'm … Continue reading Oktoberfest 2019: Aventinus